EC2 Autoscaling with Custom Metrics

Autoscaling based on message backlog in SQS Queue

Today you will learn how to define/create/publish the custom metrics and configure target tracking Autoscaling for your EC2 Autoscaling groups based on the metrics. In this blog we will:

  • Create ASG, SQS Queue, Target Tracking Policy

  • Use bash scripts to publish/consume messages to/from the SQS Queue

  • Use bash scripts to publish the custom metrics

  • Finally, autoscale based on the message count on the queue


Let's suppose a scenario where users publish a data processing request in an AWS SQS. The SLA for the end user is that they should get the results within 2 seconds of the request being sent. Let's suppose each request takes 0.1 seconds to be processed by an EC2 Instance.

Calculation backlog per Instance:

Now let's calculate the message backlog count per instance to determine when to run the autoscaling.

Backlog Per Instance = Time User Can Wait/Time it takes to serve a Request
Backlog Per Instance = 2/0.1 = 20

This means the number of messages in the SQS queue/Instance count shouldn't be greater than 20.

Now we have found Backlog Per Instance=20 as our target for autoscaling. Enough theory now let's get started with creating the necessary setup in the AWS Account.

NOTE: Please be careful with this tutorial as it can add extra costs to your AWS bills


  • EC2 Autoscaling Group

  • Amazon SQS

  • Basic Knowledge of AWS CLI and CloudWatch Metrics

Create Autoscaling Group

I already have an Autoscaling group with the name CustomMetricsASG and please verify your min/max/desired capacity is properly set to allow the autoscaling to happen.

Create Queue

Create a queue using the below command and verify

➜ aws sqs create-queue --queue-name myasgqueue
    "QueueUrl": ""

Publish Messages to SQS

Now you can use the below commands to publish the messages in the SQS queue which acts like the requests sent to our system in real-world scenario.


##Replace with your queue endpoint
while true
  echo "Publishing messages..."
  sleep 3
  aws sqs send-message --queue-url ${QUEUE_URL} \
   --message-body "aws asg mock messages to increase the load..." \

If the above script ran successfully you will see outputs like below:

Consume Messages from SQS(Optional...)

This is optional but if you want to make it more realistic what you can do is increase the sleep time below such that publishing is done fast and the consuming is slower which increases the backlog in the Queue.

## Conumer
##Replace with your queue endpoint
while true
  echo "consuming messages..."
  sleep 3
  aws sqs receive-message --queue-url ${${QUEUE_URL}} \

Publishing Custom Metrics

The below script does the following things:

  • Fetches the number of available messages in the SQS Queue

  • Fetches the number of the EC2 Instances in InService state

  • Divides Message Count/InstanceCount to get the message BacklogPerInstance

  • Then publish the custom metrics every 60 seconds setting:

    • MetricName: MyBacklogPerInstance

    • Namespace: MyCustomASGMetrics

    • Dimension as: QueueName=${QUEUE_NAME}

NOTE: Before running the script, please replace the values of the below variables.

##Replace these values, before running the script

while true
  echo "....starting...."
  sleep 60
  printf "[INFO] Querying.. Available Queue Message\n"
  APPROX_AVAILABLE_MESSAGES=$(aws sqs get-queue-attributes --queue-url ${QUEUE_URL} --attribute-names ApproximateNumberOfMessages --query Attributes.ApproximateNumberOfMessages --output text | tr -d '[:space:]')
  if [[ ${STATUS_CODE} -ne 0 ]]
    printf "[WARN] APPROX_AVAILABLE_MESSAGES retrival failed with status code: %s ...\n" ${STATUS_CODE}
  printf "[INFO] The Number of Available Message: %s\n" "${APPROX_AVAILABLE_MESSAGES}"

  printf "[INFO] Querying.. Number of Instance in Service\n"
  IN_SERVICE_COUNT=$(aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups --auto-scaling-group-names ${ASG_NAME} --query "AutoScalingGroups[].Instances[?LifecycleState=='InService'].[InstanceId]"\
    --output text | wc -l | tr -d '[:space:]')
  if [[ ${STATUS_CODE} -ne 0 ]]
    printf "[WARN] IN_SERVICE_COUNT retrival failed with status code: %s ...\n" ${STATUS_CODE}
  printf "[INFO] The Number of Instance in Service: %s\n" "${IN_SERVICE_COUNT}"

  if [[ ${STATUS_CODE} -ne 0 ]]
    printf "[WARN] BACKLOG_PER_INSTANCE calculation failed with status code: %s ...\n" ${STATUS_CODE}
  printf "[INFO] Calculated Backlog per instance %s/%s: %s\n" "${APPROX_AVAILABLE_MESSAGES}" "${IN_SERVICE_COUNT}" "${BACKLOG_PER_INSTANCE}"

  aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name MyBacklogPerInstance --namespace MyCustomASGMetrics \
  --unit None --value ${BACKLOG_PER_INSTANCE} --dimensions QueueName=${QUEUE_NAME}
  if [[ ${STATUS_CODE} -ne 0 ]]
    printf "[WARN] put-metrics-data failed with status code: %s ...\n" ${STATUS_CODE}
  printf "[INFO] Successfully published custom metrics with value: %s ...\n" ${BACKLOG_PER_INSTANCE}

Once you run the above script, if everything goes fine you should be able to see the custom metrics in the AWS CloudWatch Metrics

Creating TargetTracking Autoscaling

Until now you can't create target tracking autoscaling Policy with custom metrics from AWS Console so, you need to create it from AWS CLI.

Policy Config

Please copy the below config and update with your relevant values:


Create the Policy

Replace the values in the below variables and run the command

##Replace the below ASG_NAME with your values
aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy --policy-name sqs20-target-tracking-scaling-policy \
  --auto-scaling-group-name ${ASG_NAME} --policy-type TargetTrackingScaling \
  --target-tracking-configuration file://config.json

Once created successfully you will be able to see it in the Autoscaling section of the ASG

Scaling in Action

If there are enough points in the custom metrics and the value is greater than the defined threshold you will quickly see the scaling happening in the action.

Checking Activity in ASG


This is how you can setup autoscaling for any custom metrics and with any other autoscaling policies. You can even mix it with other autoscaling policies like: simple, step autoscaling.

Thanks for reading! Catch you next time!